2024/9/4 9/8

최인선 Insun Choi
Kiaf SEOUL 2024
September 4 - 8, 2023
Coex | Booth No. B 48
2GIL29 GALLERY 이길이구 갤러리
VIP/ Press Preview
September 4 SEP (WED) 11:00 - 19:00
September 5 SEP (THU) 11:00 - 15:00
Public Opening
September 5 SEP (THU) 15:00 - 19:00
September 6 - 7 SEP (FRI - SAT) 11:00 - 19:00
September 8 SEP (SUN) 11:00 - 18:00
Coex Seoul, 1st floor hall A&B, Grand Ballroom
Coex 513, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu. Seoul 06164
Ticket Schedule
* Preview (Max. 4 days of entry)
* General Admission (1 day entry from the time and date stated on the ticket)
* General Admission Kiaf (Access on Sept. 8 only)
Tickets (cancellation/refund)
Ticket Price
Condition of Entry
1. A valid admission Ticket entitles the Ticket holder to attend the Fairs on the date and at the time stated on the Ticket. Visitors will not be allowed admission to the Fairs without a valid admission Ticket. Please ensure You arrive at least 15 minutes before the time stated on Your Admission ticket. Last admission is 30 minutes prior to closing time. Latecomers will not be admitted into the Fairs.
2. Parking or tour tickets do not grant admission to the Fairs. Admission Ticket(s) to the Fairs must be bought separately.
3. Children aged 7 and older need a valid Ticket to attend the Fairs and must present a valid photo ID such as a passport or student ID to gain entry to the Fairs. Failure to provide a valid ID will result in refused entry and no refunds.
4. Children under 7 years of age shall be admitted free of charge, subject to being accompanied at all times by an adult holding an admission Ticket.
5. General Admission Ticket and General Admission Student Ticket is available for 1 re-entry, provided that the Ticket is scanned out on leaving the Fair, only on the same day as the date stated use on the Ticket.
6. Preview ticket and VIP pass are available for re-entry, provided that the Ticket is scanned out on leaving the Fair.
7. No flowers or bouquets can be brought into the Fairs.
8. No unauthorized artwork may be brought into the Fairs. 9. No unauthorized performances can take place at the Fairs.
10. No unauthorized distribution of flyers or other marketing materials is permitted at the Fairs.
11. It is Your responsibility to check Your Ticket(s), as mistakes cannot always be rectified, and the Organizers shall not be responsible for any incorrect, lost or stolen Ticket(s). 12. By submitting an order for Ticket(s), You acknowledge and accept that all details provided to the Ticket issuer are correct and consent to the Ticket issuer providing electronic Tickets immediately following the processing of payment. 1
3. Ticket(s) may not be used as prizes in competitions, “give-aways” or a lottery without the prior written consent of the Organizers in their sole discretion.
14. Ticket(s) must not be resold, exchanged, transferred, altered or defaced. Any such action shall render the Ticket(s) void (and any individual with such a Ticket may be refused entry or removed from the Fairs in the Organizers’ sole discretion). For the avoidance of doubt., the following is a non-exhaustive list of prohibited practices which shall lead to the Ticket(s) being void: a. Using a photocopied version of the Ticket; b. Using a screenshot of the Ticket; c. altering the Ticket in any way including by Photoshop (or any similar program); or d. using a photograph of the Ticket. e. Using illegally produced or distributed Ticket
15. On entry to the venue all visitors agree to accept and abide by any venue rules and regulations as set by the Organizers or the event venue (as may be updated from time to time) and any other regulations from time to time provided on entry to the venue.
16. In order to facilitate the security, safety and comfort of all Fairs visitors, the Organizers reserve the right in their absolute discretion to conduct security searches of persons, clothing, bags and all other items on entry and exit to the Fairs and to confiscate items which may be illegal, cause danger and/or disruption to the Fairs or other visitors, or are in breach of these Terms and Conditions and to refuse admission to the Fairs. Anyone resisting confiscation of disallowed items or disregarding these Terms and Conditions will face eviction from the venue.
17. Large bags (including, but not limited to, suitcases, backpacks, folding bicycles, scooters) or any large items bigger than a handbag or laptop bag will not be permitted into the Fairs. Visitors arriving with such items will be refused entry. Visitors are welcome to use cabinets located at the first floor of COEX. Cabinets are extremely limited. We request that where possible visitors keep their belongings with them.
18. Visitors must not bring any of the following items into the venue: food, drink, glass, sharp items, drones, laser pens, and the Organizers reserves the right to confiscate any such item(s) from any person entering or at the venue. You will not be allowed to bring any glass bottles of any kind into the Fairs.
19. Proof of age may be required for all Ticket types. Please ensure You carry a valid photo ID with You that can be provided as proof of age on request. Failure to provide such ID may result in You being asked to stop consuming and purchasing alcohol and/or leave the Fairs.
20. The Organizers reserve the right to: a. refuse admission to the Fairs to anyone who does not have a valid Ticket (including those which appear to be counterfeit, are a screenshot or which have been altered and/or defaced or transferred to another individual other than the original Ticket holder); b. refuse admission to the Fairs to Student Ticket holders who fail to present a valid photo ID; c. evict any person who is: breaching these Terms and Conditions; committing a criminal offence; behaving in a disorderly manner or in a way that has an adverse effect on public safety; behaving in an anti-social manner or in a way that causes a public nuisance; conducting themselves in a manner that is inappropriate to and/or compromises the safety and/or security of other visitors; conducting themselves in a manner that is offensive and/or disrespectful to staff; and/or under the influence of drugs and/or excessive alcohol; and d. refuse alcohol to any visitor who, in the Organizers’ absolute discretion, is unreasonably intoxicated and/or is behaving in an unacceptable manner.
21. Use of illegal substances is strictly prohibited at the Fairs.
22. No animals are allowed at the Fairs, other than service animals.
23. Commercial, promotional and trading activities (including the sale or distribution of any items) are not permitted at the Fairs, in the gangways or anywhere else in or around the venue without the prior written consent of the Organizers. The Organizers reserve the right to confiscate any such items for infringement of this condition.
24. All sound and moving or still picture rights including, without limitation, on the internet, vest exclusively with the Organizers and any material captured, filmed or recorded at the Fairs may only be used for the personal, non-profit making enjoyment of amateurs and not for commercial gain.
25. By entering the Fairs, You agree and consent to being photographed, filmed or recorded as visitors attending the Fairs, and grant Your permission to the Organizers, their affiliates and those authorized by them, to use such photographs, films and recordings (including any copies), and for Your image, likeness, mannerisms and/or voice to be included in any content from such filming, photographs and/or recording (and edited) without compensation and/or credit, which content may be communicated and/or exploited in any and all media worldwide in all perpetuity including for future marketing and promotional material for the Fairs; being photographed, filmed or recorded for television, radio, webcast, podcast and other public broadcast in any medium; and/or being recorded by onsite CCTV cameras and recordings for security purposes.
26. Visitors agree to adhere to any policies or restrictions relating to mobile phones and camera usage put in place by the Organizers and/or any Fairs’ exhibitors.
27. In the event of an emergency, Ticket holders and all visitors to the Fairs must follow instructions and directions from staff, security and/or other officials. 28. Certain exhibits within the Fairs may contain flashing lights, strobe lights or neon lights which may cause discomfort or seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Please use caution and seek assistance if necessary.
29. You acknowledge that attendance at the Fairs is entirely at your own risk and neither the Organizers nor any of their employees, contractors or agents, shall be liable for any loss, injury or damage (to person or property) howsoever suffered by You, including consequential losses, save for: a. death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the Organizers, their employees, contractors or agents; and b. any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited under applicable laws.
30. The Organizers cannot accept financial or other responsibility for any loss or liability incurred by a visitor to the Fairs as a result of contracts entered into by visitors with any Fairs’ exhibitor or advice sought or obtained from any Fairs’ exhibitor.