Yujin Huh
6/1 6/19
Yujin Huh | Plastic Diamond
Exhibition Period: From 1st June to 19th June, 2021
Exhibition Venue: 2GIL29 GALLERY | 2GIL29 Bldg. 35, Gangnam-daero 158-gil, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul 06034 Korea | 82 2 6203 2015
Viewing time: 10am - 7pm (closed on Sunday and Monday)
2GIL29 GALLERY is pleased to present Plastic Diamond from June 1st to June 19th, a solo exhibition by Yujin Huh who has been exploring the essence of painting through brushwork, a fundamental practice in her work. For 20 years since college, Yujin Huh has been experimenting with hyperrealism painting with bottles and colors in her own way. The exhibition at 2GIL29 GALLERY in 2021 will consist of all new paintings of artificial diamonds as the objet. It is the second objet in the artist’s life and the first change. The shining properties of ‘Plastic Diamond,’ which means artificial jewelry, are engulfed in aspirations to capture a fascinating world. The artist talks about various sociological perspectives through her artificial jewels that depict the illusion of opaque modern society.
The exhibition at 2GIL29 GALLERY in 2021 will consist of all new paintings of artificial diamonds as the objet. It is the second objet in the artist’s life and the first change. Means fake jewelry, plastic diamonds can also be explained with a three-dimensional unit or piece, but the reality the artist wants to pursue is no different from the previous bottles. Only the subject matter has changed. Because it is transparent, it is reflected by light and either disperses or strongly holds the gaze. Shining properties are fascinating and give a desire to capture it. It is not important whether Yujin Huh’s Plastic Diamonds are genuine or imitation jewelry. In this seductive transparency, the moments of life and choice are found. Capture the various colors in fragile transparency. Colors shine within transparency and by reflecting the color around them, they begin to shine together. It shines beautifully, but there is a strange tension in it. Always try to be honest like transparency, but there is tension between temptation and various contacts. Want to be more specific, realistic, decorative, and sensual. Want to be more beautiful, attractive, honest, and dream for a change. Wishing for those who are alienated and shunned for being ‘fake,’ to eventually change anew, and not to rush or backtrack. Always prepare and approach the new. In Yujin Huh’s new paintings, we experience the extreme limits of the illusion that is expressed by her fingertips. Through changes in tasks that require accurate observation and concentration, fakes that want to be real find other aspects of life and a new direction.
Is our desire ‘real’?
Yujin Huh’s fake diamonds are satirizing us for living with a close tug-of-war between true and false, real life and imagination, image and reality, and consuming fake desires created by the media. Modern people use Photoshop to create a processed image without an original image, or characterize a non-existent character to replace themselves. This is the portrait of the Simulacre era, where fake images are overflowing, and fake and fake reality sometimes dominates real reality by fake reality affecting real reality. Beyond the desire to possess an image that is constantly produced by the media, the unconscious domination by the desire, the advertisement that dominates our lives, image, and consumer social issues are viewed critically. The artist wanted to express fake desire in a fake image and the desire to make something that does not exist to appear in the work.
Artist Biography
Artist Yujin Huh (b.1978) is a female painter who majored in western painting at Hongik University and the graduate school, established herself as a painting artist among Korean painters. Her realistic portrayal with traditional oil paints, which is based on ‘extreme realism’ that is close to photography, has been loved by the public for more than 20 years. The paintings she recreates have a distinct aesthetic that no one can imitate, and the reason is because she is faithful to the essence of painting in the complex and diverse history of contemporary art. Artist Yujin Huh says that ‘the moment she draws’ is the reason she exists, and it also makes her alive. Armed with her relentless, flexible brush strokes and tense breathing, no one can imitate the way she paints. Consist of privately hidden artistic enthusiasm and visible desire that are free and beautiful. Colorful paintings of transparent and smooth surfaced processed objects, with precarious properties that are easily broken, represent our human sociology.

허유진 Plastic Diamond 2021 Oil on Canvas 91x116.8cm
허유진 | 플라스틱다이아몬드
이길이구 갤러리는 6월 1일부터 6월 19일까지 허유진 작가의 아홉 번째 개인전 ‘플라스틱다이아몬드'를 개최한다. 허유진은 대학 시절부터 20년 동안 병 (bottle) 과 색채를 담은 극사실주의 회화를 자신만의 방식으로 실험해왔다. 특별할 것이 없는 일상적인 소재를 통하여 물성, 색채의 변주, 빛의 투영과 반사 등을 이용해 매번 조금씩 새로운 모습으로 재현 회화 작업을 고수하고 있다. 회화의 근본적 실천이라 할 수 있는 캔버스 위에 정교하게 안착한 붓질을 통해 회화의 본질을 탐구해온 허유진은 이번 전시에서 인공 다이아몬드라는 새로운 오브제를 재구성한다. 작가 삶의 두 번째 오브제이자 첫 번째 변화다. 가짜 보석을 의미하는 '플라스틱다이아몬드' 의 빛나는 속성이 매혹적인 세상을 포착하려는 열망들에 휩싸여있다. 불투명한 현대사회의 허상을 그녀가 그린 인공 보석들을 통해 작가는 다양한 사회학적 관점을 이야기한다.
2021년 이번 이길이구 갤러리에서의 전시는 새로운 작품, 모두 신작으로 오브제인 인조 다이아몬드들이다. 모조 보석이란 뜻으로 '플라스틱다이아몬드' 들은 입체의 단위나 조각으로도 설명될 수 있는 단어이지만, 작가가 추구하고자 하는 사실성은 기존의 병들과 다름이 없다. 단지 소재만 바뀌었을 뿐이다. 투명하기에 빛에 반사되어 시선을 분산시키기도 하고 또한 강력하게 붙잡기도 한다. 반짝이는 속성이 매혹적이다. 순간 그것들을 소유하고 싶어지는 욕망에 빠진다. 허유진의 '플라스틱다이아몬드' 들은 진품 보석이냐 모조 보석이냐는 중요치 않다. 매혹적인 투명함에서 삶과 선택의 순간을 발견한다. 그 조심스러운 투명함에 형형색색 색을 담는다. 색채들은 투명함에 담겨 비로소 빛나고 주변에 그 색을 반사 시켜 서로 같이 유혹적인 빛을 발산하기 시작한다. 아름답게 빛나지만 묘한 긴장감이 발동한다. 투명함처럼 늘 솔직하려 하지만 유혹과 다양한 접촉의 긴장감이 있다. 좀 더 구체적이고 사실적이며 장식적이고 관능적이길 원한다. 그것들은 진품보다 아름답고 더 솔직하길 원하며 변화를 꿈꾼다. 비록 ‘가짜’ 란 명목으로 소외되고 외면받지만, 결국에는 새롭게 변화되기를 바라는 것이다. 조급하지도 서두르지도 뒷걸음치지도 않는다. 언제나 새로움을 위해 준비하고 다가간다. 허유진의 신작 작품 속에서 그녀의 손끝으로 표현할 수 있는 일루전의 극한을 우리는 경험하게 되는데 진짜가 되고 싶은 가짜들은 정확한 관찰력과 집중을 요하는 작업에서 변화를 통해 또 다른 삶의 모습과 새로운 방향을 찾는다.
우리의 욕망은 ‘진짜’일까?
허유진의 가짜 다이아몬드는 참과 거짓, 실재와 상상, 이미지와 현실 사이에서 늘 아슬아슬한 줄타기를 하고 미디어가 만들어 내고 있는 가짜 욕망을 소비하는 우리의 모습을 풍자하고 있다. 현대인들은 포토샵으로 원본의 이미지 없이 가공된 이미지를 만들거나 존재하지 않는 인물을 캐릭터화해서 자신을 대신하기도 한다. 이것이 바로 실재가 아닌 가짜의 이미지가 넘쳐나는 시뮬라크르 시대의 초상이며 가짜 실재들이 진짜 실제 그리고 진짜 현실에 영향을 미치면서 가짜 혹은 가짜 현실이 진짜 현실을 지배하기도 한다. 그녀는 가짜 이미지 속의 가짜 욕망 그리고 존재하지 않는 것을 존재하는 것처럼 보이게 한다. 미디어에 의하여 끊임없이 생산되는 조장된 이미지를 소유하려는 욕망을 넘어 무의식적으로 욕망에 지배당하며 살아가고 있는 모습, 우리의 삶을 지배하는 광고, 이미지, 소비사회 문제들을 비판적인 시각으로 바라보고 있는 것이다.
작가 허유진 (b.1978) 은 홍익대학교 서양학과 및 同 대학원 회화과 출신으로 한국화단에서 회화작가로 자신만의 자리를 강렬하게 자리매김한 여류작가이다. 20여년이 넘는 시간동안 오로지 전통적인 유화 물감만을 통해 사진에 가까운 ‘극사실주의’ 에 기반한 사실적인 묘사로 대중에게 많은 사랑을 받아왔다. 그녀가 재현하는 회화 작업들은 누구도 흉내낼 수 없는 뚜렷한 미감이 있는데 무엇보다 그 이유는 복잡하고 다양한 현대미술사 안에서 회화의 본질에 충실하기 때문이다. 허유진 작가는 자신이 존재하는 이유이자 삶을 지탱하는 이유가 '그리는 그 순간' 이라고 말한다. 그녀의 거침없고 유연한 붓질감과 긴장된 호흡으로 무장한 그림들은 누구도 흉내낼 수 없는 그녀만의 방식이다. 내밀하게 숨겨진 예술적 열정과 자유롭고 아름다운 욕망으로 보이는 화려한 색채의 회화는 투명하고 매끈한 표면 뒷면에 쉽게 깨지는 위태로운 속성의 가공된 오브제들 즉 우리 인간의 사회학을 대변하기도 한다.

허유진 Untitled 2021 Oil on Canvas 72.7x116.8cm
B.1978 Born in Seoul, Korea
2010 M.F.A Graduated from Painting Department, Hongik University Graduate School, Seoul, South Korea
2003 B.F.A Graduated from Painting Department, college of fine arts , Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea
1997 Graduate from Seoul Art High School
1994 Graduate from Yewon School
Solo Exhibition
2021 9th Plastic Diamond, 2GIL29 GALLERY, Seoul
2019 8th Romantic Illusion from Reality, ASSOULINE Gallery, Seoul
2018 7th Day-glo color, Gallery 4walls, Seoul
2016 6th Secandary Rainbow, KAIST Research & Art Gallery, Seoul
2014 5th Bottle, NH Lakeside Gallery, Yongin
- 4th Bottle, Sotherby, Seoul
2013 3rd Bottle, Tong-In Auction Gallery, Seoul
2010 2nd Bottle, I-MYU PROJECT, London
2008 1st Bottle, Gallery Yeh, Seoul
2004 Art Seoul Exhibition, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
Group exhibition
2021 Seoul Living Design Fair 2021, 2GIL29 GALLERY, COEX, Seoul
2019 Korea Galleries Art Fair 2019, Gallery Yeh, COEX, Seoul
- Lotte Department Store MVG Lounge, Lotte Department Store, Seoul
2017 Blue Flower Exhibition, Gallery JJ, Seoul
- Lotte Department Store MVG Lounge, Lotte Department Store, Seoul
2015 Affordable Art Fair, DDP, Seoul
- Seoul Open Art Fair SOAF 2015, Gallery Yeh, COEX, Seoul
2013 Alumni Exhibition for 60th Cerebration of Seoul Arts High School, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
2011 Touch of Angel', NH Lakeside Gallery, Yongin
- ‘Views to See Objects, Three Views' Exhibition, Tong-In Auction Gallery, Seoul
- Asia Top Gallery Hotel Arts Fair, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Seoul
- 'Summer Collection' Exhibition, Gallery Yeh, Seoul
- Korea International Arts Fair, KIAF 2011, Gallery Yeh, COEX, Seoul
- '100 pieces' Exhibition, Insa Gallery, Seoul
- Seoul Open Arts Fair (SOAF) 2011, Gallery Yeh, COEX, Seoul
- 'Object Shining Memory' Exhibition, Tong-In Auction Gallery, Seoul
2010 White Sale, Gana Art Center, Seoul
- 'Rediscovery of Uncertainty' Exhibition, NH Lakeside Gallery, Yongin
- Busan Biennale Special Exhibition, Busan, Busan City Hall
- Korea International Arts Fair (KIAF) 2010, Gallery Yeh, COEX, Seoul
- A summer's day-summer 2010 collection, Gallery Yeh, Seoul
- Seoul Open Arts Fair (SOAF) 2010, Gallery Yeh, COEX, Seoul
- 330 Artists Exhibition, Sun Gallery, Seoul
2009 19 Artists Exhibition, Gallery Yeh, Seoul
- 'Past & Present of Hyperrealism Painting' Exhibition, Seongnam Arts Center, Seongnam
- 'Wine Party without Wine' Exhibition, Gallery Pig, Seoul
- Seoul Open Arts Fair SOAF 2009, Gallery Yeh, COEX, Seoul
- 'Dialogue Methods of Object' Exhibition, GALLERY HYUNDAI, Seoul
- Cutting Edge Exhibition, LG FLAGSHIP STORE, Seoul
- KIAF 'Korea International Art Fair', COEX, Seoul
2008 KIAF 'Korea International Art Fair', COEX, Seoul
- Cutting Edge Exhibition, Gana Art Center, Seoul
- SOAF 'Seoul Open Art Fair', COEX, Seoul
- Young & New Art Show, Hyundai Department Store, Trade Center, Seoul
- 'Reversion', Gallery Ihn, Seoul
2007 SOAF 'Seoul Open Art Fair', COEX, Seoul
- ACAF 'Asian Contemporary Art Fair', Pier 92 New York, U.S.A.
- Art Auction Show, COEX, Seoul
- Inside & Outside of Korean Hyperrealism, LM Gallery, Seoul
- Real Image Exhibition, Insight Center, Seoul
- So Talented Exhibition, Gallery Yeh, Seoul
2006 Cutting Edge Exhibition, Gana Art Center, Seoul
- S I A C (Seoul Identity Art &Culture) Open Arts Fair, COEX, Seoul
- EBS Space Summer Special Exhibition ‘Cool Aesthetic Sense’ Exhibition, EBS Space Exhibition Hall, Seoul
- International Incheon Woman Biennale ‘Breathing' Exhibition’, Incheon Arts Center, Incheon
- Shinsegye Arts Fair 'Purple Cake', Shinsegye Department Store, Main, Seoul
- Truth of Six Rooms' Exhibition, Savina Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul
- Illusion / Disillusion 'DRAW' Exhibition, Seoul Museum of Arts, Seoul
- World of Korean Superrealism World 'The Collection', Seoul Auction Gangnam, Seoul
- Between Picture & Painting ‘Where Is She?', Sun Gallery, Sun Contemporary, Seoul
2005 Hongik Woman Artist Association Exhibition, Seoul Museum of Arts, Seoul
- Searching for Artists, Seoul Auction Center, Seoul
- Preview Exhibition, Team Preview, Seoul
2004 VISION 21, Sungshin Women's University Sujeong Hall, Seoul
- Preview Exhibition, Team Preview, Seoul
- Hongik University Graduate School Exhibition ‘Gap & Space’, Gallery Mokkumto, Seoul
- Hongik Woman Artist Association Exhibition ‘Painting with Music Flow' Exhibition, Gail Art Museum, Gapyeong
- Library Public Project, Chongshin University Library, Seoul
- Rha Hye Suk Grand Art Exhibition, Gyeonggi Arts Center, Suwon
- Hongik Woman Artist Association Exhibition, Hongik Museum of Arts, Seoul
2003 Shinsaimdang Arts Exhibition, Gangwon Arts Center, Gangreung
- GPS Exhibition '정 전', Hongik Museum of Arts, Seoul
- Hongik Woman Artist Association Exhibition, Insight Center, Seoul
- Danwon Arts Festival, Danwon Art Gallery, Ansan
- Grand Art Exhibition of Korea, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon
- Seoul Arts High School 50th Anniversary Alumni Exhibition, Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Seoul
- Gyeonggi Arts Fair, Gyeonggi Arts Center, Suwon
2002 Yewon School Alumni Exhibition 'Memory of Jeong-dong', Yewon School, Seoul
- New Artists Presentation Exhibition 'Aesthetics of Space', Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
- New Frontier Exhibition, Gongpyeong Galler, Seoul Art Center, Seoul
2007 Designated as SOAF TOP 10
2004 Rha Hye Suk Grand Art Exhibition - Selected
2003 Shinsaimdang Arts Exhibition - Selected
- Danwon Arts Festival - Selected
- Grand Art Exhibition of Korea - Selected
- Gyeonggi Arts Fair - Excellence Award
2002 New Frontier Contest - Excellence Award
Member of Hongik Woman Artists Association, Instructor at Hanbuk University
Former Instructor at Deokwon Arts High School, Former Instructor at Yewon School